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A IT distribution service provider engaged in sale, retail, wholesale and special sale of ICE devices.

Company Profile
Company Title Hanyu Nextel
CEO Ki-Heung Park
Established February 17, 2012
Adress 1883, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul
TEL +82-2-810-6500
FAX +82-2-573-1046


Starting with sale of wireless/wired communication services provided by SK Telecom in 1997, Hanyu Nextel has been concentrated on enhancing sale, retail, wholesale and special sale of ICT devices while pushing for expanded distribution network and further growth.

Main Business Activities

Sale of mobile phones, subscription, Internet, subscription to and sale of combine products, directly management offices, online and operation of business agencies and consignment agencies.


Denial of unauthorized collection of email

Email addresses on the bulletin board in the website shall not be collected without approval through the use of an email address collection program or other technical gadgets, and violators shall receive a criminal penalty in accordance with Information and Communication Network Act.

Date of posting: April 28, 2016